The Beginning: Branding With Stamps and Stitches
When we first conceived of Rhapsody Reinventions, we trusted in the divine powers above to guide us as we formulated our ever changing plan and literally opened Webster's Dictionary at random. Lianne pointed to a word- rhapsody. Our mouths fell ajar and our hearts beat a little faster. That was it. Rhapsody. And because we were reinventing our careers and our lives, trying to create new from used, and not at all because we were English teachers, we alliterated, which bore Rhapsody Reinventions.
Flashing forward, we knew we wanted a special look to represent us. Something reminiscient of the font regularly found in, you guessed it, the dictionary. We happened accros a perfect lower case "r" on the clearance shelf at Hobby Lobby and we figured, for $1.49, it would be just right. Hand stamping our tags filled us with glee; we were giddy with the excitement of our audacious decision to leave behind the world of education, of pencils scratching paper, of ink gliding across the page, of students whose lives we loved. Allowing yourself CHANGE can be quite liberating.
We began the tangible task of sewing and patching and piecing. Stitching our branded labels gave our entire endeaver the "realness" we needed. Thank goodness for a close friend who allowed us to use her TOTALLY AMAZING embroidery machine. Our eyes gleaming with hope, we sliced through fabric, hand crafting each burlap label. Our adventure only just beginning.
