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Rhapsodized by Audio Books

I have always loved a good audio book. They take the edge off of fighting traffic on the interstate, making commutes much less painful. A great audio book, like any Harry Potter, keeps my children happy and looking out the windows on cross country road trips. Also, recordings, when listened to in tandem with the paper version, often help struggling readers with comprehension and fluency, so I used them often in my classroom when I taught English. In fact, hearing and seeing is so important to the learning process that I used to read to my students often. I would pretend I was an actress, giving fictional works the voice I deemed appropriate. Drama mixed with the poignancy of well written words soothes and lifts my soul.

I will be the first to admit, that becoming a full time, stay-at-home mom, is a dream come true. But transitioning from being a full time teacher and a full time mother left lots of solo hours where my mind, used to constant decision making and engagement with people, began to run a little rampant. Unexpectedly, I began to feel anxiety during my calm, less hectic days. My mind, used to being busy, started overthinking the most mundane situations. Thus, I have rediscovered my love for audio books. They give my mind something to do and allow me to GET "STUFF" DONE around the house... You know- tackle the endless mountain of laundry, make the beds, sweep, pack lunches... The beauty? The voice in my head lays down to nap and I enjoy another's story as it unravels.

Here are my top recent favorites. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! Included are the links to, but you can also download these books or check them out on CD from your local library.

The Girl on the Train

Told from multiple perspectives, this thrilling mystery unfolds with precision and intrigue. The Brittish voices will entangle you in their world, steeping your heart in "what ifs." Paula Hawkins', The Girl on the Train, has reached superstar status with this riveting recording.


Never Let Me Go, By Kazuo Ishiguro, was a recent selection for my book club, Eat, Drink, Read. That is right, we have priorities! Our discussion became very indepth due to the controversial, scientific questions Ishiguro entwines with the powerfully well developed characterization and plot line in this novel. Just how far will scientists go to bestow lifelong "health" on our population?

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